Heavy equipment dealers
Insurance tailored to equipment dealers
Complex risks come with renting, leasing, repairing and selling machinery. We understand. That’s why UFG offers customizable insurance coverages for heavy equipment dealers across a broad range of industries.
See how we strive to deliver on our promises to agents.
UFG is a standout insurance choice for a variety of heavy equipment dealers, whether commercial, industrial or agricultural. Leaning into deep underwriting expertise and our emphasis on personal relationships, we aim for agents and policyholders to count
on us for coverage solutions.
Key coverages
A sampling of UFG property and liability insurance coverages for equipment dealers includes:
- General liability
- Dealership coverage for truth in lending, dealers insurance agent E&O and title E&O
- Mechanics E&O
- Broad form products coverage
- Broadened named insured
- Various additional insured grants automatically included (even more available standalone)
- Property/inland marine
- Lease and rented property coverage, including business income option
- Loaned equipment
- Customer property for repair or service
- Tools intended for sale or lease or rental
- Equipment transportation
- Equipment sold under installment sales plan
- Commercial auto
- Broad form insured
- Additional insured when required by contract
- Waiver of subrogation
- Hired non-owned auto physical damage
- Workers compensation
- Voluntary compensation
- Foreign coverage

Claims service that equipment dealers can count on