UFG employee smiling at camera

Our companies

UFG Insurance is the marketing name for United Fire Group, Inc. and its property and casualty subsidiary companies:

  • United Fire & Casualty Company, an Iowa property and casualty insurer
  • Addison Insurance Company, an Iowa property and casualty insurer
  • Lafayette Insurance Company, a Louisiana property and casualty insurer
  • Financial Pacific Insurance Company, a California property and casualty insurer
  • Franklin Insurance Company, a Pennsylvania property and casualty insurer
  • Mercer Insurance Company, a Pennsylvania property and casualty insurer
  • Mercer Insurance Company of New Jersey, Inc., a New Jersey property and casualty insurer
  • UFG Specialty Insurance Company, an Iowa property and casualty insurer
  • United Fire & Indemnity Company, a Texas property and casualty insurer
  • United Fire Lloyds, a Texas property and casualty insurer