UFG Team
When you need people-centered service, think UFG
Experience our culture of service through one-on-one training, interactive webinars and a premier support team. Our experts are here to help you succeed with online quoting.
Agents, you can depend on us for service and training to help achieve small business success. From UFG Service Center, to your small business underwriter, to your state-specific territory manager, all the way to the crew who builds the Pro-Quote experience
— a small business team of experts is here to make sure you’re taken care of.
- Looking for one-on-one training?
- Interested in a webinar?
- Have a simple or complex question you need answered?
- Need help logging in to ufgagent.com?

Belinda Castillo
Arkansas, Northern Texas and Oklahoma Territory Managerbcastillo@unitedfiregroup.com

Warren Chan
Las Vegas and Southern California Territory Managerwchan@unitedfiregroup.com

Diana Kelly
Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee Territory Managerdkelly@unitedfiregroup.com

Lisa Ortega
Northern California, Oregon and Nevada (other than Las Vegas) Territory Managerlortega@unitedfiregroup.com

Jennifer Riley
Field Sales Manager and Interim Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming Territory Managerjriley@unitedfiregroup.com

You can also learn who your underwriter is by viewing our map or visiting ufgagent.com under Your UFG Team.
Questions, comments or feedback?
We’re here to help you get the most out of our new experience. If you have a question please don’t hesitate to contact us at smallbusiness@unitedfiregroup.com. We'll respond as soon as we can.