UFG Simple Solutions Blog

Simple Solutions Blog

Barista pouring into a coffee mug.

3 coffee shop insurance coverages you may not be thinking about

 November 17, 2021     UFG Insurance    Business  Read Time: 3 min
Standard liability insurance? That’s a topic for a different day. Here are three coffee shop insurance coverages you may not be thinking about.
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Supervisor standing among warehouse with safety gear.

FAQs: Workers comp insurance for small businesses

 July 20, 2021     UFG Insurance    Business  Read Time: 5 min
If you have employees, you need workers comp insurance. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about this important business insurance line.
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person at desk with laptop, wincing and rubbing back of their neck

What is a nurse triage program: Q&A with UFG Workers Compensation Claims Supervisor Grant Gilliland

 March 10, 2021     UFG Insurance    Business  Read Time: 4 min
Nurse triage is one policy perk of some workers compensation coverages. Find out how a nurse triage program might benefit your business.
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