UFG Simple Solutions Blog

Simple Solutions Blog

What is the difference between loss prevention and loss reduction?

 February 2, 2023     UFG Insurance    Business  Read Time: 3 min
What's the difference between loss prevention and loss reduction? Our risk control experts break down these two essential business concepts.
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teenager driving in a car

The 100 deadliest days

 May 17, 2019     UFG Insurance    Auto 
The period between the Memorial Day and Labor Day holidays is known as the “100 Deadliest Days.” During this time, we often see an increase in fatal automobile accidents.
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handing stopping a row of blocks from falling

Insurance 101 for small business owners

 May 2, 2019     UFG    Business 
Protect yourself and your business by learning about what types of coverage are available, and the steps you should take to implement an insurance plan.
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driver in a car with a hands-free device in their ear

Hands-free devices are not distraction-free

 April 25, 2019     UFG Insurance    Auto   Business 
Our belief that we can multitask behind the wheel gives us the false impression that hands-free devices are safe, but that is far from the truth.
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