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Three reasons to call 811 before you dig

 April 6, 2020     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 3 min
Even if your yard project seems like a shallow dig, there’s more going on underground than you might think. What’s a simple solution? Call 811.
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Small model of home on a table, with hands of people writing in the background.

The basics of homeowners insurance coverage

 March 4, 2020     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 4 min
Purchasing a home can be overwhelming, let alone reviewing insurance documents. This blog on the basics of homeowners insurance coverage.
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Couple sitting on sofa in their home talking and reviewing homeowners insurance basics.

Four basics about homeowner insurance

 December 12, 2019     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 5 min
You know it’s important to protect your home with the right insurance coverage, but where do you begin? Here are four basics to help you understand homeowner insurance.
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Assorted vegetables on baking sheet cooking in oven.

6 tips for safe holiday cooking

 November 18, 2019     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 5 min
Whether you're baking small treats to surprise your friends or cooking a full meal for a big family dinner, it's important to remember these 6 tips for safe holiday cooking.
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Person taping moving boxes together.

7 Insurance Moving Tips

 August 22, 2019     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 6 min
Moving is stressful but you can prepare for any bumps in the road with these 7 insurance moving tips.
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Bright, open kitchen and living room.

Create a home inventory

 July 12, 2019     UFG Insurance    Personal  Read Time: 5 min
Having a detailed inventory of your belongings can make the road to normalcy faster and easier after a natural disaster or break-in.
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