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Commercial surety bonds: A Q&A with UFG Surety’s Quinson Holderness

 July 23, 2020     UFG Insurance    Surety  Read Time: 6 min
UFG Surety’s Quinson Holderness discusses what we need to know about commercial surety bonds, how COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the surety market and more.
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Ray Dudonis accepting an award on behalf of UFG Insurance in the East Coast office

UFG Office honored as Carrier of the Year

 September 16, 2019     UFG Insurance    Agents   We are UFG 
UFG Insurance East Coast Regional Office was awarded the prestigious Commercial Lines Carrier of the Year Award.
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handing stopping a row of blocks from falling

Insurance 101 for small business owners

 May 2, 2019     UFG    Business 
Protect yourself and your business by learning about what types of coverage are available, and the steps you should take to implement an insurance plan.
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